We adapt to your needs

Our Point of Sale and Booking systems work great independently, but when combined with Fresto’s other features, they create a seamless solution that boosts efficiency, simplifies operations, and enhances the guest experience.

Explore our modules and select the ones that best fit your needs.
Our solution is designed to adapt to your business.
Point of Sale
Gift Cards
Online Orders
Kitchen Display

Noel Villads, Noels - Copenhagen

David Biffani, Mother - Copenhagen

Matilde Gullach, Lola - Copenhagen


Yes, you can decide if your online bookings should ask for a Cancellation fee. The guest will only be charged in case of No-Show, or you can decide to convert the Cancellation fee into a Gift Card.
Yes, Fresto's event manager allows you to create events with or without paid tickets, link to a public page where your guests can enroll to the event and buy the ticket if required.
If you decide to start using Fresto, we create your account in minutes and you’re ready to begin.
We guide you in the configuration of your menu, floor plans and and to tailor the system configuration to your needs.
We make sure you are ready before starting service.
Absolutely, Fresto is certified to be GDPR compliant. Guests data is never shared, sold, or rented.
When you close your working day, all your data is reported automatically to your own accounting system.
Fresto provides you with analytics tools to optimize your sales.
Yes. With Fresto you can sell Gift Cards from your POS or Online, guests decide the amount, you decide a discount eventually.
Gift Cards can be used several times and refilled.
Once a guest receives a gift card by email, they can install it their mobile phone as a wallet card that is always up-to-date with the remaining amount.
Yes they can. A card can be sold or used in any of your chain venues.
Yes you can. Fresto provides you with a public page to collect feedback.
When guests make a reservation at your restaurant, after their visit they receive (if you desire) an email to ask them for Feedback about their experience.
All feedaback is collected and can be analyzed to improve your service.
Fresto provides you with the possibility to ask for a delivery address for your online orders. This allows you to self-deliver the orders, if taken from a reasonable distance that you can decide.
We will soon be able to integrate to external delivery providers such as Wolt, Just-Eat...
Absolutely not. Your online service is included in your solution.
Yes you can. Fresto gives you all the tools to accept POS orders for the future and manage them at the right time.
Yes indeed. Fresto provides an advanced way for you to sell what you want and when.
Yes they can. Fresto admin tool offers a simple way to check-in and out.
Absolutely. If you staff checks in and out from Fresto, the system is able to sum up the montly worked hours, calculate the salary and the accumulated tips.
Fresto also integrates to external Staff management tools.
Yes you can. Fresto maintains a GDPR-compliant list of your customers. You can offer select customers a loyalty card with exclusive discounts. The card includes a QR code for quick customer recognition and can be easily saved and accessed in a mobile phone wallet.
Go to Administration | Menu .Here, you can create menu categories and subcategories, add products, and define custom items like allergens, ingredients, kitchen stations and more.
Yes sure, you can decide to use Kitchen Display System and / or printed tickets.
Yes you can, each printer can be configured to print exatctly what you want

“Fresto transformed our restaurant operations, enabling us to deliver exceptional service”

Marco Bon - Bar Poldo - Copenhagen

Let's talk about you

You're ready to move your restaurant into the future. But everyone's way of working is different, so you want a clear picture of how Fresto can help your team on a day-to-day basis. That's great! Our most successful engagements begin with nothing more than a candid conversation.

Talk directly to our team to find out how we can help your business.