The Fresto team

Combining IT and restaurant expertise to develop the best possible tool

Your business type

Fresto is crafted through a collaboration between experienced IT engineers and restaurant managers, resulting in a tool that leverages cutting-edge technology to streamline and empower daily operations within the hospitality industry.

Our customers are also part of our team.
We continuously listen to their needs and feedback to improve the product they use every day.

Fresto is proudly made in Denmark, in the heart of Copenhagen.
Kim Elsass
Kim Elsass
Commercial Leader
Andrea Bellagamba
Andrea Bellagamba
Product Owner
UX and Frontend Developer
Lars Rye-Jeppesen
Lars Rye-Jeppesen
Product Architect
Full Stack Developer
Tobias Rasmussen
Tobias Rasmussen
Customer Succes
Product Designer
Peter Bojesen
Peter Bojesen
Sales & Marketing director

Let's talk about you